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Animal Crossing New Horizons bells dig

You will likely spend days earning Bells (in-game currency) in , and you’ve probably wondered what the easiest and quickest method is to make money. Whether this is your first time playing or you’re looking for new methods, here’s a quick list to help you along.

您可能会花费数天的时间在《获得Bells(游戏中的货币),并且您可能想知道最简单,最快的赚钱方法是什么。 无论是您是第一次玩游戏还是正在寻找新方法,这里都有一份快速列表可以帮助您。

母猪琼的茎市场 (The Sow Joan’s Stalk Market)

Animal Crossing New Horizons Daisy Mae

Every Sunday in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, Daisy Mae will appear to sell turnips, continuing her grandmother’s Stalk Market tradition. Daisy Mae will ask if you know how the rules work, but here’s a quick rundown!

Daisy Mae在《动物穿越:新视野》中的每个星期日,都会卖萝卜,以延续祖母的秸秆市场传统。 黛西·梅(Daisy Mae)会问您是否知道规则的工作原理,但这是一个简短的总结!

There isn’t a limit to how many turnips you can buy. Daisy Mae will sell them for varying amounts, and if you have enough money on hand and you want to take a gamble, just go for it, she has a never-ending supply. Just know that it is easy to lose bells in the process—you’ve been warned.

您可以购买多少萝卜没有限制。 黛西·梅(Daisy Mae)将以不同的价格出售它们,如果您手头有足够的钱并且想要赌博,那就去买它,她的供应将永无止境。 只知道在此过程中很容易失去风铃-您已经收到警告。

You can’t place them in your house storage, so if your inventory fills up, you’ll have to drop them on the ground or in your house.


Timmy and Tommy will buy the items at Nook’s Cranny twice a day: once at midnight and once at noon. You can’t sell the turnips on Sunday.

蒂米(Tommy)和汤米(Tommy)将每天在Nook的Cranny商店购买这些物品:午夜一次,中午一次。 你不能在周日卖萝卜。

Before you run off to the store, it’s important to know that the buying prices are all over the place, ranging from a steep loss to a solid investment. Seeing a 50 percent loss isn’t uncommon.

在您去商店之前,重要的是要知道购买价格到处都是,从巨大的亏损到可靠的投资。 看到50%的损失并不少见。

It’s common for players to and keep each other updated on turnip prices on their islands to score a huge investment—sometimes even one million Bells.




— hyoon🌙✨ (@floaromaa)


Check in with Timmy and Tommy as often as possible throughout the week but be sure to sell all of your turnips before Daisy Mae returns on Sunday! The turnips you buy will rot after a week, so if you held on to your turnips, be sure to sell them by Saturday afternoon.

在一周中尽可能多地与Timmy和Tommy签约,但请确保在周日Daisy Mae回来之前卖掉所有萝卜! 您购买的萝卜一周后会腐烂,因此,如果您坚持使用萝卜,请务必在周六下午之前将其出售。

Daisy Mae appears every Sunday as early as 8:00 a.m. and leaves the island at midnight.

雏菊梅(Daisy Mae)在每个星期日早8:00出现,并在午夜离开该岛。

捕鸟蛛 (Catching Tarantulas)

Animal Crossing New Horizons Tarantulas

My first encounter with a tarantula in Animal Crossing: New Horizons nearly had me in tears. There I was minding my own business, making my way to Nook’s Cranny, when I walked behind a tree and suddenly one was chasing me. I ran and ran not knowing what to do before I ran into yet another one—the first one stung me (maybe it bit me? I’m not sure).

我第一次在《动物穿越:新视野》中遇到狼蛛,几乎让我流泪。 当我走到一棵树后面,突然有人追逐我时,我在这里经营自己的生意,直奔Nook的Cranny。 我跑了跑,却不知道该怎么办,然后再碰到另一个-第一个把我刺痛了(也许咬了我?我不确定)。

Little did I know you can catch these horrifying arachnids for profit.


Catching tarantulas on your island is just as horrifying as it sounds; they only appear at night and they will attack you, so you must approach them with caution.

在岛上捉捕狼蛛就像听起来一样令人恐惧。 它们只会在晚上出现,它们会攻击您,因此您必须谨慎对待它们。

If they see you, they’ll give you a chance to run away, but chances are they’ll probably chase you until you run into a building to escape them. If they do manage to catch you, you’ll be bitten and end up back home in front of your house.

如果他们看到您,他们会给您逃跑的机会,但是他们很可能会追逐您,直到您撞入建筑物逃脱。 如果他们确实抓住了您,您将被咬伤并最终回到家门前。

Each Tarantula you catch can be sold for a massive 8,000 Bells!


If you’re really desperate to catch a massive amount of these spiders for profit, Tarantula Island can be explored by going on a Mystery Tour using a Nook Miles Ticket at the airport. The Nook Miles Ticket will always spawn a randomly generated island, which means several attempts may be made before discovering it.

如果您真的很想抓捕大量这些蜘蛛以牟利,可以使用机场的Nook Miles门票进行神秘之旅,探索塔兰图拉毒蛛岛。 “ Nook Miles票”将始终产生一个随机生成的岛,这意味着在发现它之前可能要进行几次尝试。

For those playing Animal Crossing: New Horizons in the Northern Hemisphere, tarantulas will appear beginning in November through April between 7:00 p.m. and 4:00 a.m.

对于那些玩动物穿越:北半球的新视野的人,狼​​蛛将出现在11月到4月的7:00 pm和4:00 am之间。

捉蝎子 (Catching Scorpions)

Much like the tarantula, when you approach a scorpion, it will first raise its guard and then if you continue moving, it will start to chase after you. Instead of running away, you can turn the tables and catch it in your net if you’re standing at a good enough distance.

就像狼蛛一样,当您接近蝎子时,它会首先抬起警戒线,然后如果您继续移动,它将开始追赶您。 如果您站在足够远的距离,您可以转而把桌子放在网上,而不是逃跑。

With the net equipped, hold the A button to creep up to the scorpion and then release the button to swing the net when it comes after you.


One of the tricky parts about catching a scorpion is its powerful sting, which will automatically send you back to your home and cause you to miss out on catching it. If you approach a scorpion head-on, it will chase after you and sting you if you fail to catch it right away.

捕捉蝎子的棘手部分之一是其强大的刺痛,它会自动将您送回您的家中,并导致您错过捕捉它的机会。 如果您正对着蝎子,它会追赶您,如果您不能立即抓住它会刺伤您。

Scorpions can spawn on your island and they sell for 8,000 Bells each. They only appear at night from 6:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. within your game. They will appear beginning in April through September.

蝎子可以在您的岛上产卵,每只卖8,000铃。 它们仅出现在游戏中的晚上6:00到凌晨5:00。 它们将在4月到9月间出现。

赶WaSP (Catching Wasps)

Animal Crossing New Horizons Wasp

During your time in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, you’ve probably shaken a few trees and found yourself immediately regretting it as you watch in horror as a wasp nest falls to the ground.


Failing to catch a wasp won’t immediately knock you out and send you back home, but they will leave you with a nasty sting. If you’re successful in catching one, they sell for 8,000 Bells.

没抓到WaSP不会立即将您击倒并送您回家,但它们会给您留下讨厌的刺痛。 如果您成功捉住一只,它们的售价为8,000铃。

Wasps can be found year-round and at any time of the day, so keep a lookout for these stinging creatures.


小精灵 (Wisp)

Animal Crossing New Horizons Whisp

Wisp is a ghost that will appear randomly on your island late at night. In exchange for helping the spirit out, he will reward you with an item of your choice—a piece of furniture you don’t own or “something expensive.” Accept the latter if you want to make a few Bells.

小精灵是一个幽灵,它将在深夜随机出现在您的岛屿上。 作为帮助精神的交换,他将为您提供您所选择的物品作为奖励-您不拥有或“昂贵”的家具。 如果您想打个铃铛,请接受后者。

钟岩 (The Bell Rock)

Animal Crossing New Horizons money rock

A rock will spawn on your island every day that will drop Bells when you hit it with an ax or a shovel. The tricky part is hitting it quickly enough in succession to receive all 16,000 Bells.

每天都有一块岩石在您的岛上产卵,当您用斧头或铁锹击中岩石时,它会掉下钟声。 棘手的部分是要足够快地连续击中它,以接收全部16,000铃。

To maximize the amount of Bells you get from the rock, dig holes behind your character. This will prevent your character from bouncing back too far from the rock and wasting time scooting back up closer to hit it again.

为了使您从岩石中获得的钟声最大化,请在角色后面挖洞。 这将防止您的角色从岩石反弹回来太远,并避免浪费时间将球重新抬高以再次击中它。

种植一棵钟形树 (Plant a Bell Tree)

Animal Crossing New Horizons bell tree

Every day, a glowing patch will spawn on your island. If you dig in that spot, you’ll make an easy 1,000 Bells. After digging, a glowing hole will be left behind.

每天,都会在您的岛屿上散发出发光的斑点。 如果您在该地点进行挖掘,您将轻松赚到1,000个Bells。 挖掘后,会留下发光的Kong。

Open up your inventory by clicking the X button on your Nintendo Switch and then hover over the Bells menu. Grab a few and move the Bells to your inventory. Alternatively, take the 1,000 Bells you just dug up and choose to bury them in the glowing hole.

通过单击Nintendo Switch上的X按钮打开清单,然后将鼠标悬停在Bells菜单上。 抓住一些并将钟声移至您的库存。 或者,取下刚刚挖出的1,000个钟,然后选择将其埋入发光的Kong中。

By planting Bells into the glowing hole, you will have your very own Bell tree. The Bell tree takes about five days to mature. Once it’s fully grown, the maximum total from each bell tree is 30,000 Bells, which means you should only plant a maximum of 10,000 Bells at a time.

通过将铃铛种植到发光的Kong中,您将拥有自己的铃铛树。 铃树大约需要五天才能成熟。 完全成长后,每棵铃铛树的最大总数为30,000铃铛,这意味着您一次最多只能种植10,000铃铛。

出售非本地水果 (Sell Non-Native Fruit)

You can sell fruit that isn’t native to your island to Timmy and Tommy at Nook’s Cranny for 500 Bells each. You can also take fruit you’ve obtained from other islands and grow different fruit trees around your island.

您可以在Nook的Cranny商店中将岛上非本地水果出售给Timmy和Tommy,每只价格为500贝尔。 您也可以取自其他岛屿的水果,并在岛屿周围种植不同的果树。

从Nook的缝隙中出售“热门商品” (Sell “Hot Items” From Nook’s Cranny)

Animal Crossing New Horizons nook cranny_2

After you’ve finished building Nook’s Cranny, Timmy and Tommy will inform you of a few different services they offer upon first visiting their shop. One of the new services involves a hot item of the day. The “hot” item will change daily, and if you bring one in to sell, they’ll double the price.

在您完成Nook Cranny的建造后,Timmy和Tommy会在首次访问他们的商店时告知您他们提供的一些不同服务。 其中一项新服务涉及当天的热门话题。 “热门”商品每天都会更改,如果您带进去卖,它们将使价格翻倍。

The hot item of the day will be displayed daily on the sign in front of the shop or by asking Timmy and Tommy directly.


Some of these methods should be recognizable to familiar players of the Animal Crossing: New Horizons series, but even so, making Bells in this new game is time-consuming (and sometimes daunting). If you want to become the next Bell-billionaire, be sure to plan your day wisely!

这些方法中的某些方法应该为《动物穿越:新视野》系列的熟悉玩家所认识,但是即使如此,在这种新游戏中制作钟声也是费时的(有时令人生畏的)。 如果您想成为下一位亿万富翁,请务必明智地计划自己的一天!



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